Understanding The Importance of Emotional Well-being in Children

With more families now working, studying, and living under the same roof, one can wrongfully assume that the need for emotional closeness and well-being of children is met. Physical proximity is not the same as connecting on an emotional level with the children. Families and caregivers need to recognize that youngsters emotional health is just as important as their physical health, and if not more important than, their academic results.

Mental health issues in children

Researchers imply, that 1 in 10 children are more prone to experience mental health issues now than 30 years ago, where developing resilience and coping mechanisms in children is rarer resulting in young people experiencing anxiety, depression and behavioral disorders.  These are medical statists. 

Research mirrored in everyday life

As a business trainer, parenting coach and couples counsellor, I see the effects of these results during workshops daily.  

It is alarming to witness caregivers not noticing the challenges and difficulties at home and work, rationalizing them as a normal part of childhood or professional career.  

Lack of intervention and education for both parents and children will result in long term significance where skills such as problem-solving, emotional control, creating meaningful relationships in the future, self-confidence and self-awareness are impacted. 

Enculturation- a shift of responsibilities

The all-present shift that had happened in the curriculum in the school system in the late 20th century resulted in academic excellence as a key criterion for success. Simple, one would think, skills of enculturation such as sharing, fair play, behavioural standards, and emotional resilience becoming absent in everyday education in institutions and sadly absent in the children's environment at home. 

Importance of children's well-being

Parents need to enable children to feel acknowledged and supported by people in their everyday lives. Adults should lead by example and interact with others from the perspective of a positive relationship.  

This will enable children to feel safe in expressing ideas, understanding emotions, and learning the ability to cope with new or stressful situations that they  encounter.  

Well-being in practice

Systematically, caregivers should identify the children's interests and support their choices, showing genuine involvement in the child's activities. Parents need to understand the necessity of using everyday opportunities as a learning experience for children. Taking the time to explain what the social rules of conduct are, parents need to make the effort to show children the greater perspective form an educational point to view. 

For example:

Caregivers investing the time to inform children that at a swimming pool facility we should wear acceptable swimming attire to cover our bodies, take a shower before entering the pool to ensure hygiene, wear flip flops to prevent slipping, and most importantly not to run by the poolside to eliminate the risk of being injured.   

If you notice, every rule or social expectation came with an explanation. It is the parents' responsibility to educate the child about cause and effect of action and the consequences of their behaviours, showing them the grander picture and not just rules that are tempting to break.  

 This approach should be embedded across all areas of learning rather than treated as a separate area of development. Early years practitioners, parents, grandparents in short caregivers, need good knowledge and understanding of personal, social, and emotional development, and effective training in this area is important.

No excuses  

Educational content is present online or locally regardless of the budget available. Many resources are complementary if need be, so there is no excuse to not be educated and implement these practices for the well-being of your child, family, and in the children's future professional career. Let's make the world a better place, one child, one family at a time.   

About the Author

Malva Gasowski, International best-selling author on Amazon, international business trainer, coach, speaker, a parenting coach and couples counsellor at Coaching- Mother and all. She helps families thrive in business, their relationships, parenting, and emotional bonding while taking into account balancing work and private life.